Mantis - Quercus
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
2605 minor always 04-15-08 07:16 04-16-08 16:42
closed 3.1.5  
none 3.1.6  
0002605: php.ini file path is not relative to application root
Quercus Servlet On Tomcat 6.0.16

Although there are several examples on your website where the php.ini file location is given by using a path relative to the application root path doing so will not allow the servlet to retrieve the correct php.ini file.

From what I have observed QuercusServlet.setInitParam() is using com.caucho.vfs.Path.lookup() but this function will return a path relative to the current working directory which will usually be the /bin directory of the application server.

To correctly load a php.ini file in the WEB-INF directory I had to specify the complete path.

I realize that this might not be a problem for Resin based application servers but this bug report might still shed light on the mysterious ini-file parameter issue for anyone who wants to run Quercus on another application server.

doesn't work:




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