Mantis - Resin
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2588 minor always 04-09-08 10:43 04-09-08 18:52
closed 3.1.6  
none 3.1.6  
0002588: Servlet loads class before amber
(Reported by Riccardo Cohen)

A servlet that uses a persisted class is loading the class before amber can. This has not been replicated on Linux, but Mac OS X with Java 1.5.0_13 seems to exhibit the problem. See the attached war file.
Additional info by Riccardo:

I found something interesting : if you comment the code where Ejbuser is
used in Adlservice (see file joined) then the illegual instance class error
disappear, even if in the last function there is a List<Ejbuser> that does
not seem to be a problem.
It seems that it happens only when an object has to be used in my code...

package adlhessian;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;
import javax.webbeans.In;

import com.caucho.hessian.server.HessianServlet;

public class Adlservice extends HessianServlet
  @PersistenceContext(name="adlhessian") private EntityManager m_manager;
  @In private UserTransaction m_ut;
  public boolean setusername(int userid,String newname)
    boolean success=false;
      m_ut.begin(); // must be called before find() or createQuery()
      Ejbuser user=m_manager.find(Ejbuser.class,userid);
      if (user!=null)
    catch(Exception ex)
      try{m_ut.commit();}catch(Exception ex){ex.printStackTrace();}

  public Ejbuser getuser(int userid)
    Ejbuser ret=null;
      Ejbuser user=(Ejbuser)m_manager.find(Ejbuser.class,userid);
      if (user!=null)
    catch(Exception ex)
    return ret;

  public boolean adduser(Ejbuser newuser)
    boolean success=false;
      m_ut.begin(); // must be called before find() or createQuery()
      Ejbuser user=new Ejbuser();
    catch(Exception ex)
      try{m_ut.commit();}catch(Exception ex){ex.printStackTrace();}

  public List<String> getallusers()
    List<String> ret=new ArrayList<String>();
      javax.persistence.Query hqr=m_manager.createQuery("select h from Ejbuser h");
      List<Ejbuser> list=(List<Ejbuser>)hqr.getResultList();
      int idx;
      for (idx=0;idx<list.size();idx++)
    catch(Exception ex)

 amber.war [^] (677,869 bytes) 04-09-08 10:43

04-09-08 18:52   