Mantis - Resin
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2461 minor always 02-28-08 09:00 03-05-08 16:27
closed 3.0.14  
none 3.0.14  
0002461: JNI and Solaris writes
(rep by Fiaz Hossain)

I managed to re-pro the problem on a range of file sizes between 10Mb and 128Mb, although the problem occurs more often with the larger files.
I removed the native/JNI library that resin uses if available, and after that could not get another failure again, so this appears to be a problem in the resin JNI library
If we can take over another one of the IST app servers, and configure it be an FFX server, we should be able to quickly establish if this is specific to just SolarisX86 or not.
I would think we can move forward for now by removing the JNI library for the SolarisX86 resin tree, although I'm not sure what release management complications this adds."

03-05-08 16:27   
This was reported on 3.0.12 and and verified fixed in 3.0.14.