Mantis - Resin
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2424 minor always 02-11-08 13:56 03-26-08 14:30
closed 3.1.5  
no change required  
0002424: host deploy enhancements
(rep by Stargazer)

t strikes me that its the reliance on the physical directory name in
the <host-deploy> construct which is causing the problem. It mixes the
found dir name on disk with the contents of its particuar host.xml.
Using my <resin:import> way everything is defined in the found xml
files, no matter where they exist in the subdir tree, because I put the
<resin:import> tag in the def for http://localhost [^] webapps in
resin.conf, i.e. "/". So what would be perfect would be the
<host-deploy> functionality but honouring everything in the located
file, as in this example (as a useful side effect is the files can have
any name too, which helps manage many hosts easier as I usually stick
the hostname in the xml filename):


<host xmlns="" [^]
xmlns:resin=""> [^]
 <web-app id='' document-directory='/www/pligg/'>

Lets me use http://localhost:8080/ [^] and


<host xmlns="" [^]
xmlns:resin=""> [^]
 <web-app id='' document-directory='/www/pligg/'>

Does the same for http://localhost:8080/ [^] etc

03-26-08 14:30   
This functionality is available by using <resin:import> inside the <cluster>. Since the <host> can directly be defined in the <cluster>, the imported files can be named as desired.