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2377 major always 01-29-08 06:36 05-13-08 18:40
gjvc Linux  
resin-3.1.s080126 fixed  
none 3.1.6  
0002377: resin-3.1.s080126, mediawiki 1.11.0, fails after some use
This is tricky to describe. I'll start with the basics.
Java 1.6.03, resin 3.1.s080126, mediawiki 1.11.0

Set up mediawiki, use it for a bit, and it stops rendering all links.

This issue is independent of the database because it happens with both postgres 8.2.6/postgresql-8.2-507.jdbc4.jar and mysql 4.0.18/mysql-connector-java-3.1.14-bin.jar.

resin 3.1.3 and mediawiki 1.10 runs ok and hits the above problem
resin-3.1.s080126 and mediawiki 1.11 runs ok and hits the above problem -- see issue
resin 3.1.3 and mediawiki 1.11 doesn't run -- see issue
install resin 3.1-SNAPSHOT
install mediawiki 1.11.0
use it for a bit, click around randomly
keep hitting 'Category' pages

Here is some of the generated HTML:

<a name="operations"></a><h2><span class="editsection">[/amm-wiki/index.php?title=Home&amp;action=edit&amp;section=7]</span> <span class="mw-headline"> operations </span></h2>
  • <!--LINK 31-->
  • <!--LINK 32-->
    • <!--LINK 33-->

      Clearly there should be a link above in each of the
    • elements.

      grepping the source of mediawiki

      grep -rl '<!--LINK' /home/wombatweb/web/war/wombat-wiki/

01-29-08 06:41   
crap. above, where i say 'see issue' i mean 'see issue 0002359'

Also, the raw HTML is not being escaped.
01-29-08 13:13   
When the links are not rendered anymore, does a restart of the server correct it?
01-29-08 14:19   

Yes, killing and restarting resin does correct it. ;-/

02-01-08 01:32   

Still unreliable with resin-3.1.s080130, I'm afraid.

And no luck with resin-3.1.s080205 either :-(


02-08-08 13:12   
Hi gjvc

I am very interested in reproducing this issue. I have been testing
MediaWiki with the current trunk and I have not run into the problem
you describe. I am running in interpreted mode and I initialized a
mysql database for this mediawiki install.

I wonder if you could download the most recent snapshot and see
if you can still reproduce the problem. There is a new snapshot
for 2008/02/08: [^]

Also, when you state "the raw HTML is not being escaped" are you
talking about HTML in this bug tracker or are you talking
about HTML inserted into a MediaWiki entry field?
03-25-08 14:12   
A new snapshot released on 2008/03/20 may contain a fix for this problem.
A recently discovered bug in the regexp code may be the cause of this failure,
but testing is needed to discover if this bug has been fixed by the regexp change.
03-30-08 22:39   

I tried the latest snapshot 20080320, but I run into the bug 002546 instead. Anxiously awaiting a fix to that so I can check the fix to this one :-)


04-01-08 03:51   
GOOD NEWS! This appears to be fixed in resin-3.1.s080331.