Mantis - Resin
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231 minor always 06-01-05 00:00 01-25-06 16:09
3.0.13 fixed  
none 3.0.18  
0000231: resin-status not showing cluster information
(rep by K MacCLay)

We have switched from using mod_caucho to using the LoadBalanceServlet
for load balancing. Since the caucho-status servlet won't be available,
we'll be using resin-status. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that
resin-status is displaying cluster information like it should (e.g.
showing whether sruns are up or down). What happens is that it doesn't
display the section for clusters at all. We're using Resin 3.0.13.
I looked at the ResinStatusServlet source and found the printSrun()
method. It must not be retrieving any ObjectName's when it calls
getClusterObjectNames(). Is there any known reason why this would
ObjectName[]clusterList = _servletServer.getClusterObjectNames();
for (int i = 0; i < clusterList.length; i++) {
ClusterMBean cluster = (ClusterMBean) Jmx.findGlobal(clusterList[i]);
Here is our cluster configuration
<!-- srun port -->
<srun id='a' host='' port='6802' index='1'/>
<srun id='b' host='' port='6802' index='2'/>
<srun id='c' host='' port='6803' index='3'/>
<srun id='d' host='' port='6803' index='4'/>

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