Mantis - Resin
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2113 minor always 10-25-07 09:04 11-01-07 11:08
closed 3.1.3  
none 3.1.4  
0002113: caching issue
The issue is my team and I noticed that the "Uncacheable Pages" count for specific pages grew after adding a condition to not cache the page if the initial server data hasn't loaded.
Funny thing, this condition only evaluates to true when the server starts since it takes 4-5 seconds to load the initial data statically into a singleton upon server start. So the pages are purposefully not being cached because they contain no data.

Code is really simple and looks like this:
        $profileData = getProfileData();

         if(!$profileData) { // profileData is null if it hasn't been loaded yet
                        echo "Re-loading data, please wait";

    header("Cache-control: max-age=60");

The normal behavior i would expect would be to notice "uncacheable pages" grow only at the very beginning when the server loads its initial data and then cease to grow after $profileData!=null which is 100% happening after 4-5 seconds.

Due to this inconsistency, I did a little more research.... If i remove the condition (to check for null)completely, uncacheable pages never grows -- but only if i restart resin. That is, if i make the change on the spot in the php file, uncacheable pages will still grow, up until i restart resin. <COMPILE> is set to false ! After i restart resin, i will never see uncacheable pages grow for the specific file in question.

Really though bug to describe.
using php <compile>false</compile>

11-01-07 11:08   