Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
1988 major always 09-04-07 10:48 09-06-07 15:26
closed 3.0.24  
none 3.0.25  
0001988: When a List of objects is transfered via hessian the list gets mangled
We have a stateless session ejb that returns a List<Application> of size 21 however on the web tier the List has 23 elements including two strings. I checked the size immediately before and after serialization. The web tier communicates with the ejb using hessian.

The Application object contains many parameters including about 6 Strings, 7 booleans, a List, 2 other simple objects, a Map, and 3 Classes.

The two Strings that get inserted into the List that the ejb returns come from the Map that is in the Application object.
We have confirmed that this issue is in versions 3.0.20-3.0.24 and that it is not present in 3.0.19 or 3.1.2.

Although the fix is present in 3.1.2, we do not wish to upgrade to 3.1.2 as we are in the middle of a large upgrade to our server configurations and don't want the added complexity of a major version upgrade right now.

09-06-07 15:26   