Mantis - Quercus
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
1938 major always 08-13-07 08:56 09-19-07 07:40
closed 3.1.2  
none 3.1.3  
0001938: array data corrupt when using symfony framework
when using symfony(, [^] array data corrupt.

in sfRootConfigHandler class,

  public function execute($configFiles)
    // parse the yaml
    $config = $this->parseYamls($configFiles);

    // determine if we're loading the system config_handlers.yml or a module config_handlers.yml
    $moduleLevel = ($this->getParameterHolder()->get('module_level') === true) ? true : false;

    if ($moduleLevel)
      // get the current module name
      $moduleName = $this->getParameterHolder()->get('module_name');

    // init our data and includes arrays
    $data = array();
    $includes = array();

    // let's do our fancy work
    foreach ($config as $category => $keys)
      if ($moduleLevel)
        // module-level registration, so we must prepend the module
        // root to the category
        $category = 'modules/'.$moduleName.'/'.$category;
      // result is array(1) { ["class"]=> string(23) "sfAutoloadConfigHandler" }
      // result is NULL
      // this must be string(23) "sfAutoloadConfigHandler"
      var_dump(array_key_exists('class', $keys));
      // result is bool(false)
      // this must be bool(true)
      if (!isset($keys['class']))
        // missing class key
        $error = sprintf('Configuration file "%s" specifies category "%s" with missing class key', $configFiles[0], $category);
        throw new sfParseException($error);
using CentOS 5, resin3.1.2, quercus3.1.2

how to confirm this issue.

1. download, [^] uncompress and
move sf_sandbox/* to WEB-INF directory
2. cp WEB-INF/web/index.php ../
3. edit index.php
change SF_ROOT_DIR constants to
define('SF_ROOT_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/WEB-INF'));
4. access index.php through your browser

08-13-07 08:59   
out of symfony framework, this code will work well

$config = array('config/autoload.yml' => array('class' => 'sfAutoloadConfigHandler', ),
                'config/php.yml' => array('class' => 'sfPhpConfigHandler', ),
                'config/databases.yml' => array('class' => 'sfDatabaseConfigHandler', ),
                'config/settings.yml' => array('class' => 'sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler', 'param' => array('prefix' => 'sf_', ), ),
                'config/app.yml' => array('class' => 'sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler', 'param' => array('prefix' => 'app_', ), ),
                'config/factories.yml' => array('class' => 'sfFactoryConfigHandler', ),
                'config/bootstrap_compile.yml' => array('class' => 'sfCompileConfigHandler', ),
                'config/core_compile.yml' => array('class' => 'sfCompileConfigHandler', ),
                'config/filters.yml' => array('class' => 'sfFilterConfigHandler', ),
                'config/logging.yml' => array('class' => 'sfLoggingConfigHandler', 'param' => array('prefix' => 'sf_logging_', ), ),
                'config/routing.yml' => array('class' => 'sfRoutingConfigHandler', ),
                'config/i18n.yml' => array('class' => 'sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler', 'param' => array('prefix' => 'sf_i18n_', ), ),
                'modules/*/config/generator.yml' => array('class' => 'sfGeneratorConfigHandler', ),
                'modules/*/config/view.yml' => array('class' => 'sfViewConfigHandler', ),
                'modules/*/config/mailer.yml' => array('class' => 'sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler', 'param' => array('prefix' => 'sf_mailer_', 'module' => tr\
ue, ), ),
                'modules/*/config/security.yml' => array('class' => 'sfSecurityConfigHandler', ),
                'modules/*/config/cache.yml' => array('class' => 'sfCacheConfigHandler', ),
                'modules/*/validate/*.yml' => array('class' => 'sfValidatorConfigHandler', ),
                'modules/*/config/module.yml' => array('class' => 'sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler', 'param' => array('prefix' => 'mod_', 'module' => true, ),\
 ), );
    foreach ($config as $category => $keys){


result is

string(23) "sfAutoloadConfigHandler"
string(18) "sfPhpConfigHandler"
string(23) "sfDatabaseConfigHandler"
string(32) "sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler"
string(32) "sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler"
string(22) "sfFactoryConfigHandler"
string(22) "sfCompileConfigHandler"
string(22) "sfCompileConfigHandler"
string(21) "sfFilterConfigHandler"
string(22) "sfLoggingConfigHandler"
string(22) "sfRoutingConfigHandler"
string(32) "sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler"
string(24) "sfGeneratorConfigHandler"
string(19) "sfViewConfigHandler"
string(32) "sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler"
string(23) "sfSecurityConfigHandler"
string(20) "sfCacheConfigHandler"
string(24) "sfValidatorConfigHandler"
string(32) "sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler"
08-14-07 11:02   
What version of symphony framework are you using?

What kind of 'array corruption' are you seeing and when are you seeing it?
08-15-07 02:14   
symfony version is 1.0.6,

when i access index.php using browser,
sfRootConfigHandler::execute is executed internally.

in foreach loop as i showed in description,
var_dump($keys); result is
array(1) { ["class"]=> string(23) "sfAutoloadConfigHandler" }

at next line,
var_dump($keys['class']); result is NULL.
this might be string(23) "sfAutoloadConfigHandler"

i placed sample application [^]
install it and access index.php, and you will see this issue.
09-19-07 07:40   