Mantis - Resin
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186 minor always 05-17-05 00:00 11-30-05 14:43
closed 3.0.13  
3.0.13 fixed  
none 3.0.15  
0000186: <dependency-check-interval> does not seem to work with Resin 3.0.13
The issue RSN-114 is still not fixed in Resin 3.0.13. I have exactly the same problem:

[21:17:23.081][info][sin.Resin3xContainer] Resin 3.0.13 started
[21:17:23.211][info][.resin.ResinDeployer] Deploying [C:\Documents and Settings\Vincent Massol\.maven\repository\cargo\wars\simple-war-0.6-SNAPSHOT.war] to [C:\dev\cargo\samples\java\target\maven\resin3x\testWarHotDeployment\container\webapps]...
[21:17:23.321][dbug][URLDeployableMonitor] Checking URL [http://localhost:8280/simple-war-0.6-SNAPSHOT/index.jsp] [^] for status...
[21:17:23.321][dbug][URLDeployableMonitor] Status: response message [Not Found], response code [404]
[21:17:23.431][dbug][URLDeployableMonitor] Checking URL [http://localhost:8280/simple-war-0.6-SNAPSHOT/index.jsp] [^] for status...
[21:17:23.431][dbug][URLDeployableMonitor] Status: response message [Not Found], response code [404]
[21:17:23.531][dbug][URLDeployableMonitor] Checking URL [http://localhost:8280/simple-war-0.6-SNAPSHOT/index.jsp] [^] for status...
[21:17:23.541][dbug][URLDeployableMonitor] Status: response message [Not Found], response code [404]
[21:17:23.641][dbug][URLDeployableMonitor] Checking URL [http://localhost:8280/simple-war-0.6-SNAPSHOT/index.jsp] [^] for status...

Even though there is a request every 100 ms the hot-deployed WAR is not made active. Again this is working fine with Resin 3.0.9.


05-17-05 00:00   
This is still not fixed with Resin 3.0.14.

Honestly I'm not receiving enough help from the Resin community and I think we may drop support for Resin in Cargo ( [^] in the near future (or at least I won't continue personally to support it) if I don't get any help. I just cannot afford to keep up. Over the past 4 years I've had to spend a considerable amount of time to add Resin support first in Cactus and the now in Cargo with almost no help from the Resin community. I sent several emails to the Resin mailing list and they almost all went unanswered. I'm doing this in my free time, I don't use Resin myself, I'm helping Caucho's sales and I'm not getting enough help :-)

Even though I'm watching the issues in Resin's JIRA I'm not getting notification emails. I'm sure I won't receive any notification if you answer to this comment for example...
05-17-05 00:00   

The change involves changing the frequence of checking the webapps directory. Browsing the webapp directly will still force a more frequent check.
05-17-05 00:00   
I did receive a notification email so thanks for fixing this :-)

Sorry but I don't understand your comment "server/10tk".
I also don't understand what you mean by "The change involves changing the frequence of checking the webapps directory.". Do you mean that you need to fix Resin? What do you mean by "browsing the webapp"? I'm pinging the URL every 100ms. Isn't that enough? It still takes 1 minute for my WAR to get noticed...
