Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
1780 minor always 06-06-07 10:36 10-05-07 19:22
closed 3.1.1  
unable to reproduce  
none 3.1.3  
0001780: Performance slowdown with mod_caucho when 2nd backend is introduced
(rep by M Morawetz)

I'm evaluating the resin-cluster capabilities. My problem is
that with the current setup using just one node performs
much better than having two nodes running.

The setup is:
Two apache server as frontend, I use the mod_caucho
module as load-balancer, two resin server. One Apache
and one resin instance is running on one physical server.

I tested the performance with Jmeter. Throughput with one
resin node running is about the double of the throughput
when I use both resin nodes (same load-Jmeter setup / 80 Users).
I was expecting an increased throughput having 2 nodes running.

Could that be a configuration issue? What are common
reasons for that behaviour? Any ideas?

10-05-07 19:22   
Checked with multiple backends and Apache 2, with cases including both servers up and one backend down and both cases had the same performance.