Mantis - Resin
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1250 minor always 07-14-06 13:29 04-03-07 15:22
none 3.1.1  
0001250: *.dll in 64-bit windows
(rep by Jeff Hobeck)

  We were having some problems getting the socket JNI library to work on our new 64 bit windows application servers. I was able to get it working on my local machine by adding the ${resin_home}/win32 directory to my path environment variable and starting the server. However, following the same steps on the new 64 bit server still produces the message on startup stating that the JNI library is not available. We checked and confirmed that the path was being set.
   Here are some specifics about our new production environment.
   - Intel Xeon (EM64T)
- Windows Server 2003 R2 (64 bit)
- JDK 1.5 release 7 (64 bit supporting EM64T)
- Resin Professional 3.0.14

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