Mantis - Resin
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
1161 feature N/A 05-31-06 13:56 08-22-07 15:51
mattp Intel Xeon 64  
ferg Windows 2003  
normal 3.0.19  
closed 3.0.19  
none 3.1.3  
0001161: More control over windows service installation
It would be nice if httpd.exe gave more control over the options you can set when using -install. In particular, it would be nice if you could set:
1) Name - This goes to "net start resin"
2) Display name - This is what you see in the services control panel
3) Description - Not critical, but while we're here
4) Startup type - Manual or Automatic (since I can't see a reason to install it disabled)
5) Logon Account/Password - We have to use a network enabled account for our setup, so we have to go in and modify the service after it's installed

08-22-07 15:51   
-user, -password, -name, -full-name