Mantis - Resin
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1159 minor always 05-31-06 13:22 06-08-06 18:32
closed 3.0.19  
none 3.0.20  
0001159: Byte-code produced for _resin_compat_class_0
(rep by L Plaetinck)

We are working on a Java profiling tool and ran into some problems when
instrumenting some of the Resin classes.One of the offending classes
seems to be com.caucho.doc.JavadocRedirectServlet, especially the method

private static java.lang.Class _resin_compat_class_0();
   Stack=2, Locals=0, Args_size=0
   0: getstatic 0000221; //Field
   3: dup
   4: ifnonnull 18
   7: pop
   8: ldc_w 0000219; //String com.caucho.doc.JavadocRedirectServlet
   11: invokestatic 0000225; //Method
   14: dup
   15: putstatic 0000221; //Field
   18: areturn
   19: aconst_null
   20: areturn
  Exception table:
   from to target type
     0 19 19 Class java/lang/ClassNotFoundException

Since this seems to be a regular try - catch implementation, one would
expect to see the code "astore_0" between instruction 18 and 19. After
instrumentation, this leads to a verify error "Inconsistent stack height
2 != 1"
Any information on how this was compiled would be appreciated.

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