Mantis - Resin
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1150 minor always 05-26-06 13:46 06-01-06 14:51
none 3.0.20  
0001150: ISAPI issues
(rep by Matt Pangaro)

1) Incomplete/missing responses through IIS. It seems as though this has to do with caching and headers and 304 response codes, but I haven't been able to dig too much deeper yet. It seems pretty similar to the issue we ran into with 3.0.17 when testing something out there, but you (Scott) had said that was a known issue, so I'm presuming it's been addressed. I see from the change logs there have been a couple of IIS/ISAPI changes, but chunked encoding is the only one that stands out to me.

Anyway, here is what I've found out so far: It does appear to only be with IIS, since our testers can't reproduce it on a Resin HTTP port. We've tried rolling our ISAPI plugin back to 3.0.14 (Resin deployment is still 3.0.19), and that has cleared it up for now, but we have to see if we'll run into 1073 (above).

I'll attach log files of three telnet gets. Headers all seem to make sense, and have Expires 1 min after Date, based on the default cache timeout from app-default.xml. One thing I thought might be a problem was that the app server times were different than the IIS server time, but it seems like that wasn't it.

Anyway, I'm not really sure what information to collect, leading up to a bug report, or if this is a known issue. I looked through bugs that weren't resolved or closed, but nothing seemed to fit this issue. The one above doesn't appear to have been addressed, but doesn't explain the problem we're having, and the 3.0.19 performance one doesn't seem to fit either.

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