Notes |
03-30-06 09:43
The problem is a bit tricky.
Resin's configuration is parsed in order with the web-app-default applied before the final <web-app>.
The resin:import for the web.xml and resin-web.xml are in app-default.xml, and are therefore applied before the <web-app> is processed.
In other words, the web.xml is being processed before the <web-app>, so any servlet definition in the web.xml can't use the <class-loader>. |
03-30-06 10:10
But the host definition with the classloader comes after the resin:import for app-default.xml. Even if I move app-default.xml behind the final web-app I still get the class not found exception. |
03-30-06 10:11
BTW I get the following exception when using Mantis at
500 Servlet Exception
com.caucho.quercus.QuercusRuntimeException: '/var/www/hosts/'
is not a valid path
at com.caucho.quercus.env.Env.errorException(
at com.caucho.quercus.env.Env.include(
at _quercus._core._lang_0api__php.fun_lang_load(var/www/hosts/
at _quercus._core._lang_0api__php.fun_lang_ensure_loaded(var/www/hosts/
at _quercus._core._lang_0api__php.fun_lang_get_defaulted(var/www/hosts/
at _quercus._core._lang_0api__php$8.eval(
at com.caucho.quercus.program.CompiledFunction_3.eval(
at com.caucho.quercus.program.AbstractFunction.eval(
at _quercus._core._email_0api__php.fun_email_bug_info_to_one_user(var/www/hosts/
at _quercus._core._email_0api__php.fun_email_generic(var/www/hosts/
at _quercus._core._email_0api__php.fun_email_bugnote_add(var/www/hosts/
at _quercus._core._email_0api__php$28.eval(
at com.caucho.quercus.program.CompiledFunction.evalRef(
at _quercus._bugnote_0add__php.execute(var/www/hosts/
at com.caucho.quercus.servlet.QuercusServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at com.caucho.server.dispatch.ServletFilterChain.doFilter(
at com.caucho.server.cache.CacheFilterChain.doFilter(
at com.caucho.server.webapp.WebAppFilterChain.doFilter(
at com.caucho.server.dispatch.ServletInvocation.service(
at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleRequest(
at com.caucho.util.ThreadPool.runTasks(
at |
03-30-06 10:59
Ok, I oversimplified a bit.
First, the <server> block is configured. <host> data is stored unconfigured (except for things like host-name).
As a <host> is deployed, the <host-default> are applied in order, followed by the <host> definition. The <web-app> are stored unconfigured (except for the id).
When a <web-app> is finally deployed, the <web-app-default> are applied in order, followed by the <web-app>. So the <web-app-default> are always applied before the <web-app>, even if the <web-app> tag is before the final <web-app-default>.
The cleanest solution might be adding a <web-app-prologue id="/foo"> which is applied before the web-app-default. So the <web-app> tag could be viewed as <web-app-coda>. The order might look like:
<web-app-prologue id="/foo">
<resin:include path="WEB-INF/web.xml"/>
<resin:include path="WEB-INF/resin-web.xml"/>
<web-app id="/foo"/>
You could put the class-load configuration in the web-app-prologue.
(The mantis issue is known. There are still a good number of bugs in Quercus.) |
03-30-06 11:03
Thanks for the feedback. If that it the only way that this is usable workaround. But isn't it possible to delay the loading/resolving of servlet classes until the application config has been fully consumed and the environment is set up? |
03-31-06 09:08
In theory, yes. In practice, though, Resin would also need to delay <listener>, <filter>, etc. and it would be somewhat more complicated to explain what classes are loaded at which times.
For example, a <database> would always be loaded in the early phase. |
04-04-06 10:20
But aren't people expecting that a webapp's classpath is setup completely before any attempt is made to load class form that webapp? |
04-05-06 17:18
Added <prologue> to the <web-app>. The <prologue> configuration will be applied before any web-app-default. |